Wednesday August 14, 18:00 to 20:00 Attic Studio
Wilhelminastraat 139-3, 1054 WC. Around the corner from the OT301 building.
20€ (cash) on arrival.

Noor Kohne
The Alexander technique consists of observation and simple movement
lending clarity and understanding to how you function as a unit. The teacher gives the student tools to undo hindering habits and access
natural coordination. Efficiency and ease follow. While the teacher guides the student verbally she applies her skills with a subtle touch allowing the student to experience hands-on direction. In the Alexander workshop we will explore the spines integration with the rest of the body in the context of evolution.
I received my Alexander training at the ATON, in Amstelveen, under the direction of Arie Jan Hoorweg. Since 2004 I run my own practice in Amsterdam and at the Gimsel Academy in Rotterdam. My practice includes teaching at training courses and workshops at the conservatory and dance schools. Also a professional musician, I graduated in 1997 as a violist from the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Amsterdam. I have performed with various music ensembles, dance and theatre groups, such as Insomnia, ‘t Barre
Land, Orkater, Scapino Ballet, The Metropole Orchestra, Lysn, Malte
Schillers Red Balloon and Moving Strings. I have trained improvisation with Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi and have been teaching Alexander technique at the Summer course since 2011.
Since 2023 I am as well an osteopath D.O.