Schedule Summer Course Program

August 12-15 Monday to Thursday

11:00 to 13:00, workshop Katie Duck

13:00 to 14:00, Lunch break in the Bar area.

14:00-17:00, workshop Katie Duck.

August 16 Friday

11:00 to 17:00, meet in the ventilator cinema space to rehearse for the weekend performances, alongside all of the Amsterdam artists.

August 16 Friday 19:00-22:00, Performance in the Ventilator Cinema Space and bar.

August 17 Saturday

13:00 to 17:00, meet in the ventilator cinema space to rehearse for the weekend performance, alongside all of the Amsterdam Artists.

August 17 Saturday 19:00-22:00, Performance in the Ventilator Cinema Space and bar.

(Extra option) On Wednesday August 14, Noor Kohne will teach Alexander Technique at 18:00 in the attic Studio (Wilhlminastraat 139-3, 1054 WC) around the corner from the OT301 Building.

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